
How to choose the lipstick colors that suits yourself

How to choose the lipstick colors that suits yourself?


Different people are suitable for different lipsticks color. Many people can’t help but want to buy after seeing various recommended lipsticks on the Internet. However, the lipsticks after bought are not suitable for them. Like the hot pumpkin color before, many girls have bought one. But if girls with yellowish and dark skin are not suitable for pumpkin color, it will make their skin look darker.


  1. Aunt Red is also a particularly popular lipstick, the name comes from, like a girl’s aunt. The color is a bit dark red, which is a very elegant color of lipstick. But young girls should not try this color lightly, they will be very old-fashioned.


  1. The little pepper color of makeup lipstick, as the name suggests, is just like the color of the lips after eating peppers. It is very red and coquettish. It is suitable for little girls with white and tender skin. Older ones suggest not try this kind of color


  1. Grapefruit color is very popular among young girls. Grapefruit color is very delicious when applied to the lips. Boys with girlfriends must like their girlfriends to wear lip sticks of this color, because this color is really good. Who poke their boys’ hearts too much


  1. Sakura pink is a very picky lipstick cosmetics. If your skin is white and tender, then cherry pink is really suitable for you, but on the contrary, if your skin is yellowish or darker, really don’t try cherry blossom powder , because that will make your skin look very dull。


  1. Putting on orange lipstick will give people a youthful feeling. If you are a young girl with short hair, then orange is really suitable for you, but don’t buy that inferior orange,which will be abrupt, looks like you just finished eating the mango.


  1. If your skin is not white and tender, and your lip color is still very deep, then the make up lipstick color that suits you must be bean paste color. The red bean paste color is not as coquettish as the big red and orange colors, but it matches your skin color. I think girl’s bag should have a bean paste color lipstick.


  1. Coral color is a kind of make-up lipstick that has recently emerged. It is not as eye-catching as big red, nor is it as deep as aunt’s color. It is low-key, restrained, but also very lethal. It reveals your temperament in minutes!



To choose the lipstick that suits you, don’t follow the crowd blindly.

To show your personality, you who know how to make-up are more to refer to others,rather than to copy others.

30 colors lipstick wholesale lipstick

时间: Nov-15-2021