
How to Sweatproof Your Makeup Routine Before the Next Heat Wave


How to Sweatproof Your Makeup Routine Before the Next Heat Wave


Nothing says summer quite like sweating profusely in record-breaking high temps. To help you beat the sweltering heat, we’ve pieced together a no-sweat survival guide that answers, explores, and solves every issue you might encounter this summer. Welcome to our Sweat Series.


Forget going for the full Kardashian contour—in the middle of the summer, even wearing minimal makeup can be a struggle. Amongst our gripe list: clogged pores, too much product and midday meltdown. But while going bare-faced is tempting, wearing makeup in 100-degree weather that actually stays put is possible. Read on to see our four golden rules to putting your best face forward in the climbing temps.


Lighten Your Layers


Too much makeup in peak heat and humidity can clog your pores and trigger a breakout, so we recommend swapping your weighty products for a lightweight tinted moisturizer, and applying concealer only in areas where your skin needs a little extra love. We’re obsessed with the Complexion Rescue Tinted Gel Cream , which is so hydrating, you can skip the heavy moisturizer that can cause your makeup to slide around. Pair the light veil with a waterproof concealer so you don’t have to worry about sweating it off. Use matte makeup powder only where needed, like around your T-zone, or work with the elements and embrace that dewy finish.


Choose Non-Sticky Textures


Traditional glosses and opaque lipsticks aren’t the best choice if you want to melt-proof your makeup, but that doesn’t mean bold lip colors are benched for the season. Lightweight gloss-serum hybrids like Ready to Wear’s Lip Lurex or Dior’s Fluid Stick give off the appearance of your favorite gloss, sans the sticky texture. If you want a full-impact color, try a liquid lipstick Melted with an ultra-fluid formula that won’t dry out your pucker


Waterproof Everything


Heat waves are the perfect time to take a minimalist approach toward your eye makeup, as a full-on smoky effect is too fussy for sky-rocketing temps. Sure, it’s possible, but a waterproof aqua hue like YSL’s  swept along your lower lashes paired with  Sport Waterproof Mascara  make just as big of an impact, and have extra staying power. For good measure, use a durable brow gel like MAC’s Waterproof Brow Set to seal the groomed appearance of your arches into place. They’ll look on fleek even if you decide to take a dip in the pool.


Lock It In


The magic of makeup setting sprays—is unparalleled by any other product when it comes to getting your makeup to stay put. You can use it as a finishing touch; you’ll want to apply a light veil over your face before heading outside to lock in your handiwork. Or if you prefer to target specific areas, Face Defender is a translucent, long-wearing alternative to your traditional pressed powder, and imparts a poreless, airbrushed effect to boot.

时间: Aug-06-2021